How does this calculator work?
This calculator compares the “Number 2” input to the “Number 1” input. The calculated value will tell you what percent of number 1 you need to add or subtract to get to number two.
This is done by the following equation:
(Number 2 – Number 1)/Number 1 *100
So for example, if you wanted to know the percent change to get to 60 from 50 the equation would be:
(60-50)/50*100 = 20%
This means that a 20% increase from 50 is 60.
However if you wanted to see what percentage change from 60 to 50, the equation would be:
(50-60)/60*100= -16.6%
A 16.6 % decrease of 60 is 50. So a negative number in the answer indicates a decrease in percent change.