Percentage Difference Calculator

How does this percentage difference calculator work?

This calculator determines the percentage difference between two numbers. This calculation is independent of the order of the numbers. We are looking at the percent difference here rather than the percent change.

This is done by comparing the difference to the average of the two numbers. This translates to the absolute value of the difference between the two numbers divided by the average of the two numbers, times 100 to get a percentage.

This calculation for this calculator is the following:

|(Number 1 – Number 2)|/((Number 1 + Number 2)/2))*100

In the equation above, the absolute value is taken so that there is no negative percentage.

So for example if we want to determine the difference between two numbers 25 and 40.

This would make the equation:

| (25-40) | / ((25+40)/2)*100 = | (-15) | / (65/2)*100 = 15/32.5*100 = 46.15%

So the percent difference between the two numbers 25 and 40 are 46.15%.

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